Where to get skins in CS:GO. Free cs go skins for tasks How to get skins in cs go

The skins market in the popular game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive appeared back in 2013. After matches, players began to receive various types of weapon skins that changed the appearance of the character.

Users could exchange these items on forums and separate chats. Then the Steam service made it easier to sell things and created a trading platform. On it, all you need to do is choose an item and put it on the “showcase”. In the future, if the buyer is satisfied with the price, he will make a purchase.

However, not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. On steam you can sell skins and receive funds to your personal balance, but it is impossible to withdraw real money from your account. However, inventive CS GO players successfully manage to bypass this point and come up with new ways of where to get CS GO skins and how to sell them profitably. How they do this will be discussed below.

First, let's find out how the price of an item is formed. It depends on several factors. The first factor is rarity. There are seven skin rarity categories:

Consumer goods; Industrial quality; Military quality; Prohibited; Classified; Contraband.

The second point is the condition of the skin, its quality. There are also several of them:

battle-hardened; worn; after field testing; slightly used; straight from the factory.

Over time, the quality of the weapon does not deteriorate, but there are skins that look much cooler even when worn. As a rule, the less worn the skin, the higher its price.

Third is the texture of the skin. More precisely, how it fits onto the subject. Let us explain using the example of the Falshton “Waves” knife.

The price of the knife may depend on how the texture fits onto the knife model.

Free skins – myth or reality?

Many people ask themselves the question of where to get free cs go skins and whether it is possible. We will omit the sites where you can get cs go skins and talk about the drop in the game itself. The easiest way to get gear for free is to get a reward in the form of a skin after playing a match, when your level increases. The opportunity that provides a chance to get free cs go skins is available only once a week. You can increase your level by many points, but you won’t get more than one skin per week. The system counter, which is responsible for issuing free items, is updated every Thursday.

We have already mentioned that you can earn a drop no more than once a week. What is the chance of getting good cs go skins at the end of the match? Gabensky is not very generous and often ends up with consumer goods, and after graffiti was added to the game, it’s not so easy to get even a cheap skin. Of course, there were cases when Drogan Lor dropped out after the game, but these are few in a million.

Another option, with the same chances, but much better skins, are various giveaways from streamers, websites, public pages, YouTubers, and so on. Finding them is quite easy, sweepstakes are held very often, since in most cases they are part of an advertising campaign, and there are usually a lot of advertisements.

The conditions are always the same: repost, leave a comment under a post or video, subscribe to a page, channel, or perform certain actions through gleam.io.

There is another way that will help you get cs go skins - this is an exchange on Steam. Players can change skins from each other and replenish their inventory with a new drop in exchange for the old one. Or exchange two inexpensive skins for one more expensive one. However, there is a risk of being deceived. For example, a guy throws a lot of different drops, and then replaces an expensive item with a cheap case. This may not be noticed at first, so it is important to check everything carefully and only then confirm the exchange.

Buy skins without SMS and registration

We told you where to get the desired gear for free, now let's figure out how and where to get cs go skins for money, how to do it and whether it is possible to get cs go skins without playing it. Let's go back to the Steam trading platform. This method of selling and buying items is the safest. To purchase a cover, you must first have an account on Steam. To buy an item you need to top up your balance by $5. Next, go directly to the trading platform and select the characteristics of the desired exterior in the additional settings. The item can also be examined in detail directly in the game.

Clothes can also be bought on various marketplaces, of which there are plenty on the Internet. Of course, not everyone offers favorable conditions, but if you kill a couple of minutes of your time searching, you will eventually find something suitable. The purchasing process on such sites is the same everywhere, plus or minus. First you need to log in to the site via Steam. Next, add money to your balance and select the desired item. After this, the purchase is paid for and all that remains is to wait for the bot on Steam.

Is it worth buying skins in CS GO?

Many players ask this question... After all, there is a whole variety of beautiful and bright colors. In general, it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. Why? - you ask. Now I will put everything on the shelves, and you will understand everything yourself...

What are skins for?

You won't be able to kill enemies with one shot, jump on textures and fly around the map using skins. They don't make any physical changes to the game, other than visual ones.
Probably, the main task of buying skins is money, or rather its senseless waste. If you are unable to purchase skins for one reason or another, don’t be upset. And to be honest, after purchasing it, you will experience a joyful feeling for only a couple of hours (or 10 minutes), and then you will get used to it and will not even notice its presence.

There are several reasons to buy skins.

  • Game with skins;
  • Favorable exchange;
  • Playing bets to make a profit.

Ways to get skins.

There are many ways to get skins.

Free (easy) ways:

  • Leveling up in the game. (For some level ups in CS GO, you will be given a random item).
  • Gift from friends. (This method is not very good, because it can be considered begging, but still... You can receive an item from a friend if he agrees to send you something).
  • Practical jokes. (Many social networks have groups dedicated to CS GO and there they can often give away skins among subscribers).
Paid (complex) methods:
  • The most common way is to purchase on the Steam marketplace (Regular donation).
  • Playing on roulette sites. (You send skins to the site together with other players, and the system randomly selects a winner who takes all the skins supplied).
  • Opening cases in CS GO (In CS GO it is possible to buy a key for (152 rubles as of 01/17/17) and use it to open a case and you will be given a guaranteed skin, the probability of payback is small, but still there).
  • Opening cases on third-party sites (Cases can also be opened on sites that are not related to CS GO and Steam. There is a very large selection, but there is an extremely low probability of payback (less than in cs go itself).

Pros and cons of buying skins.

Imagine that you have hundreds of expensive skins in your inventory, and it seemed that there could be a bad thing, but in fact there are also negative sides to having skins.


  1. Respect for the players and a desire to communicate with you.
  2. Lots of friend requests.
  3. Hundreds of comments on the profile.
  4. Pleasant and varied gameplay (Basically, the original task of skins).
  5. Constant maintenance of capital (you can sell skins on the Internet at any time and withdraw money in real life).
  1. The likelihood of deception and theft of things.
  2. Constant requests to let me see the skin in voice chat (Interferes with playing).
  3. A waste of money.

In this small guide, I tried to explain what skins are for, whether they are worth buying, etc.
As I said at the beginning

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In general, it is impossible to give a definite answer to this question.

Skins are presented differently for each player. Everyone is individual and some want to buy skins, while others don’t need them at all. Any person should choose for himself whether to spend money on skins or not. So if you ever wonder "Are skins worth buying?", then think carefully and try to answer your question yourself.

And I wish you good luck;) Soon I will make better and better guides! All the best!

For many Counter-Strike: Global Offensive players, the main essence of the gameplay is the so-called “skins”. We are talking about gaming weapons that have different color variations. On some machine guns, pistols and shotguns you can find entire designs and textured surfaces. Of course, the vast majority of gamers are eager to get “skins” at the best possible price, but at the same time, free options for obtaining skins for weapons are also available in the game. Next we will consider these options.

Weekly drop. Surely the easiest and most reliable way to get free skins is to regularly play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Each player has the opportunity to receive a random skin once a week, but to do this they need to increase their rank. It is worth keeping in mind that the new week for the “drop” begins on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. It is on Wednesday that 3 times more experience is given for matches played on the official servers of the developer. Players will receive random weapons from the following collections: Cobblestone, Cache, Overpass, Gods and Monsters, The Rising Sun, and Chop Shop. With a high probability, the player gets a skin for only 3-4 cents, but quite expensive drops regularly appear - up to 400-500 dollars. Skin giveaways on websites and social networks. There are a whole lot of sites on the Internet where you can sell and buy skins and use them as funds in online casinos. Many such sites regularly distribute skins for new users, or for those who make their first payments. Everything is calmer and safer on social networks. On large pages dedicated to the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, you can find various sweepstakes, where to participate you just need to repost a particular entry. Expensive skins and melee weapons are often up for grabs.

You should also remember that skins and other game components of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive do not provide any benefits. In this case, skins, music sets, modified melee weapons, weapon dies, stickers and other things are just visual changes. This is precisely why they love “Contra” - although the game has a donation, but with its help you cannot gain any advantage over your opponent. Is it possible to include a moral aspect, since many people want skins, but it is not always possible to get them.

Let's talk today about how to get free cs go skins for points, quickly and absolutely legally.

Idle (IDLE) CS GO server

So, in short, this method is suitable for absolutely everyone, it is very simple, fast and also very interesting. Now let's start in order: Launch CS GO, then you need to go to a special server, the so-called “IDLE”. In the server search filters, we register a map called “IDLE”. Then we go to absolutely any such server. Our second step will be to simply stay on this server until the end of this game. At the end of the game, as everyone knows, you are given various “skin” cases and much more.

In general, “IDLE” servers are servers on which some people just sit in place and at the end of the games, different “skin” boxes and so on are “dropped” to them, and the second people are people who accumulate achievements for themselves or, as they say, achievements. This is roughly how it all works: People stand in one place after the end of the game “skins drop”, the game lasts about five minutes, this is the minimum game after which skins can “drop” in CS GO. As soon as the game is over, the map automatically changes and people automatically “spawn” and so on in a circle.

CSGO skins for watching videos

You can minimize the game in windowed mode, sit in contact, or watch videos on Twitch. You will receive various “skins”. In principle, you can leave your computer overnight and stay on this server. In the morning, several “skins”, “cases” and so on will be added to you, it all depends on “Random”, but you may be lucky and with some chance you may also get “skins” starting from two dollars. Agree - this is not little. But maybe if you’re lucky, it’s quite possible that you might get a Dragon Lore” or “M4A1 Knight”. But these are different prices, the third step will be trading these different skins of ours. Thus, by watching the video you can get skins for cs go for weapons for free.

Profitable exchange for CSGO Lounge

We go to the well-known CS GO Lounge. In the trade search filters, put one of your “skins” that you want to exchange for something more expensive and you can get a profit. Then you can find an even more profitable trade and thus you can advance to the most expensive “skins”.

A colorful and rich game is the best way to spend your free time interestingly with your friends. To do this you can buy cs go skins, and then enjoy it to the fullest. But this will require money, which is such a pity to spend on this too. What remains for the common player? We advise you to familiarize yourself with our material, which is dedicated to how to get free skins in cs go. It’s worth noting right away that there are actually many ways. Let's look at each of them separately.

Free skins in CS GO

Players undoubtedly crave cs go weapon skins, so some despair of an illegal way to get them. But this is dangerous, because you can easily download malicious software, after which your computer will suffer greatly. And I don’t want to lose my account at all. Therefore, we do not recommend resorting to this method; it is better to choose something else, less risky and dangerous.

Referral links

It is enough to send it to a friend, and after his authorization you will receive a variety of gifts and money. You can freely advertise, post them on social networks, forums, blogs. Essentially, you do nothing, but receive pleasant surprises for authorized users.


This point is worth paying special attention to, because many dishonest people offer to find out how to get free skins in cs go with their help. As a result, they break your accounts and bring you trouble. It is almost impossible to catch such villains and punish them, because you yourself took the risk and reaped the rewards. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, you must:

  1. Avoid downloading third-party unreliable software.
  2. Try not to disclose your account information anywhere.
  3. Do not enter bank card information (applies to cvv expiration date).
  4. Do not download unverified programs to your phone. You can only pay for the service once on the Internet, and the virus on the telephone platform will send SMS without your knowledge. At first they wanted to get cs go with all the weapon skins, but in the end they were left without a penny

Special portals and exchange with other players

Here players place unnecessary things that they want to change. Most often, a screenshot is attached to the message. For example, someone got tired of an element and wanted to exchange it. You should contact the player and agree on the exchange process.
