Download world edit plugin for minecraft 1.9

WorldEdit adds very powerful functionality for creating and editing cards directly into the game. With the help of "magic" hatchet you can select large regions and fill them with various blocks.

This mod replaces your manual, hours-long labor when arranging blocks of the same type by entering several commands.

Basic WorldEdit Features

  • Create and replace thousands blocks in one click
  • Creation of primitive figures: sphere, rectangle, cylinder, etc.
  • Copy and insertion of objects, the possibility of them conservation and downloads using Schematic
  • Special brushes(brush) for editing territories (For example: creating mountains, or vice versa - plains)
  • Using a compass you can teleport(now you don't need to write /jumpto)

Basic WorldEdit Commands

In WorldEdit region is distinguished by noting the points of the parallelepiped.

There are 3 selection options

  1. We stand on point 1 and write //pos1 in the chat, stand on point 2 and write //pos2.
  2. We aim the sight at point 1 and write //hpos1 in the chat, accordingly we aim the sight at point 2 and write //hpos2.
  3. We take a wooden ax in our hands ( to get it: //wand), left-click on point 1 and right-click on point 2.

Actions with regions

//replace - replacement.

Example: //replace dirt glass - replace dirt with glass in the selected area.

//overlay %,%, ... - cover % of the area with a block and % of the area with a block.

Example: //overlay 5%torch, 95%air - cover 5% of the area with torches.

//set — fill the entire cuboid with a block.

Example: //set 0 — remove all blocks in the area (fill with air).


1. Install LiteLoader (in the archive with the mod version) or Forge for your version of Minecraft

2. Download WorldEditCUI and move it to the game folder

A mod, a plugin that will allow you to select a certain territory and work only with it by moving and managing it. Historically, the world has changed and has become one of the most important tools in existence for minecraft players who want to build massive structures. The WorldEditCUI mod gives players a special interface for their WorldEdit plugin, which allows them to select their region, either in game or in real time. This allows players to work more quickly, allowing them to copy, craft, build and pin down faster than if they were just using WorldEdit alone. According to the author of the mod, WorldEditCUI is especially useful when working with the cylinder, convex body and selection polygon when doing your work.

If you don't already have a lot of experience with WorldEdit, this add-on won't help you figure it out. It is recommended to fool around with WorldEdit for a while first, using it in the scrap world you won't get bored as long as you understand the different functions and what they do, as well as which forms are best when working in specific areas. This WorldEditCUI mod is more of a step forward than anything to start with - it adds more features and commands that would simply make WorldEdit very difficult to learn if you add on top of them all the commands and features already present in the base mod.

Not to say WorldEdit is basic. This is one of the most advanced Minecraft mods available today. It's just a little less scary, without all the extra stuff added by the WorldEditCUI mod. It is very important that you use the latest version of LiteLoader for whatever version of minecraft you are using. This mod is not designed to work with Forge and LiteLoader, you must have it if you want it to work. This may interfere with other mods installed, but you can always switch back to the forge and those mods after you've created the world you want using LiteLoader and this mod.

The WorldEdit Mod or Map Editor for Minecraft is a utility that you will love if you frequently change Minecraft maps or are simply interested in redoing a map that has already been made. There have been similar mods before, but WorldEdit definitely stands above other similar releases because it adds a whole new level of convenience that makes the entire map editing process an absolute breeze and also turns it into something that can be done without requiring a lot of practice or experience. The best part about it is that it doesn't have any conflicts with other mods, so it will work without any problems.

The actual features of the mod are Quick and easy editing, editing maps in which you can copy individual elements, one of the biggest features it adds is the ability to modify a group of thousands of blocks in a few simple clicks. Usually when you are dealing with a lot of blocks, you have to go through a really tedious process to replace or remove them, but with this mod that won't be the case as you can complete the entire task in a matter of seconds. You can also quickly draw different kinds of shapes that you can implement on the map.

If you're feeling artistic, then utility editing maps and quick construction WorldEdit can also be used to carve mountains and thus thanks to the very useful brush tool that comes with it. The mod also allows you to frequently backup your progress, so if you ever end up hacking something, you can restore the old backup without any problems and resume editing. The mod works both on a single player and on the server, and it does not have a negative impact on loading times, which is definitely something that players will appreciate.
